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Fri kunskap för alla? En kunskapsöversikt över bibliotek och Wikipedia


Agenjo-Bullón, Xavier, och Francisca Hernández-Carrascal. ”Wikipedia, Wikidata y Mix’n’match Wikipedia, Wikidata and Mix’n’match: Wikipedia, Wikidata and Mix’n’match.” Anuario Think EPI 14 (januari 2020): 1–18.

Aghaebrahimian, Ahmad, Andy Stauder, och Michael Ustaszewski. ”Testing the validity of Wikipedia categories for subject matter labelling of open-domain corpus data”. Journal of Information Science 48, nr 5 (oktober 2022): 686–700.

Alequihdez, Michael David MILLER, Laurie Bridges, Lilian Viana, Mtenaespinoza, Nferranf, Ssstela, och Tebhogho. ”Introducing #EveryBookItsReader: A New Wikimedia Campaign”. Diff (blog), 7 mars 2023.

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Amina, Wazzuha, och Nosheen Fatima Warraich. ”Use and trustworthiness of Wikipedia information: students’ perceptions and reflections”. Digital Library Perspectives 38, nr 1 (januari 2022): 16–32.

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Bartholmei, Stephan, Rachel Franks, James Heilman, Mylee Joseph, Vicki McDonald, Anna Raunik, Mia Ridge, och Mark Robertson. ”Opportunities for Academic and Research Libraries and Wikipedia”. IFLA and The Wikipedia Library, 2016.

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Boccone, Alessandra, och Tania Maio. ”Biblioteche e bibliotecari nel Wikiproject Covid-19: authority control, contenuti di qualità e linked open data: Libraries and librarians in the Covid-19 Wikiproject: authority control, quality content and linked open data.” AIB Studi 60, nr 2 (maj 2020): 269–91.

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Elder, Danielle, R.Niccole Westbrook, och Michele Reilly. ”Wikipedia Lover, Not a Hater: Harnessing Wikipedia to Increase the Discoverability of Library Resources”. Journal of Web Librarianship 6, nr 1 (januari 2012): 32–44.

Fenoll, Carme, John Cummings, Jesús Tramullas, och Àlex Hinojo. ”Opportunities for Public Libraries and Wikipedia: A Discussion Paper”. IFLA and The Wikipedia Library, 2016.

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Galloway, Ed., och Cassandra DellaCorte. ”Increasing the Discoverability of Digital Collections Using Wikipedia”. Pennsylvania Libraries: Research & Practice 2, nr 1 (Spring 2014): 84–96.

Haider, Jutta, och Olof Sundin. ”Wikipedia and Wikis”. Wiley, 2019.

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Jansson, Sofie. ”Rapport från ett residensskap i Sörmland”. Biblioteksutveckling Sörmland, Sörmlands museum, 2022.

Joorabchi, Arash, Cailbhe Doherty, och Jennifer Dawson. ”’WP2Cochrane’, a tool linking Wikipedia to the Cochrane Library: Results of a bibliometric analysis evaluating article quality and importance”. Health Informatics Journal 26, nr 3 (september 2020): 1881–97.

Joorabchi, Arash, och Abdulhussain E. Mahdi. ”Towards linking libraries and Wikipedia: automatic subject indexing of library records with Wikipedia concepts”. Journal of Information Science 40, nr 2 (april 2014): 211–21.

Joseph, Kris. ”Wikipedia Knows the Value of What the Library Catalog Forgets”. Cataloging & Classification Quarterly 57, nr 2/3 (februari 2019): 166–83.

Jönsson, Johan. ”Så hotas Wikipedia av AI”. Biblioteksbladet, 12 april 2023.

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Kahili-Heede, Melissa K., Uday Patil, K. J. Hillgren, Earl Hishinuma, och Richard Kasuya. ”Library instruction and Wikipedia: investigating students’ perceived information literacy, lifelong learning, and social responsibility through Wikipedia editing”. Journal of the Medical Library Association 110, nr 2 (april 2022): 174–84.

Leva, Federico, och Marco Chemello. ”The effectiveness of a Wikimedian in permanent residence: the BEIC case study”. JLIS.it, Italian Journal of Library, Archives & Information Science 9, nr 3 (september 2018): 141–47.

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March, Laura, och Sayamindu Dasgupta. ”Wikipedia Edit-a-Thons as Sites of Public Pedagogy”. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 4, nr CSCW2 (2020): 1–26.

Mering, Sabine von, Katja Kaiser, och Mareike Petersen. ”Transforming Closed Silos into Shared Resources: Opening up Data on Historical Collection Agents Affiliated with the Museum Für Naturkunde Berlin”. Biodiversity Information Science and Standards 6 (2022): 78-.

Miller, Michael David, och Laurie Bridges. ”A Booktalk. Wikipedia and Academic Libraries, A Global Project”. 22 juli 2022.

Navarrete, Trilce, och Elena Villaespesa. ”Image-based information: paintings in Wikipedia”. Journal of Documentation 77, nr 2 (mars 2021): 359–80.

Okoli, Chitu, Mohamad Mehdi, Mostafa Mesgari, Finn Årup Nielsen, och Arto Lanamäki. ”Wikipedia in the eyes of its beholders: A systematic review of scholarly research on Wikipedia readers and readership”. Journal of the Association for Information Science & Technology 65, nr 12 (december 2014): 2381–2403.

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Sengupta, Anasuya, och Brooke A. Ackerly. ”Wikipedia Edit-A-Thons: Sites of Struggle, Resistance, and Responsibility”. PS, Political Science & Politics 55, nr 2 (2022): 434–38.

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Thomas, Paul. ”Reverting Hegemonic Ideology: Research Librarians and Information Professionals as ’Critical Editors’ of Wikipedia”. College & Research Libraries 82, nr 4 (juni 2021): 567–83.

Thomas, Paul, Matthew F. Jones, och Spencer Mattingly. ”Using Wikipedia to teach scholarly peer review: A creative approach to open pedagogy”. Journal of Information Literacy 15, nr 2 (juni 2021): 178–90.

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Tomaszewski, Robert, och Karen I. MacDonald. ”A Study of Citations to Wikipedia in Scholarly Publications”. Science & Technology Libraries 35, nr 3 (juli 2016): 246–61.

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